    • Wibbily Wobbly Timey Wimey

      On December 13th, 2014, I wrote an article for dutch newspaper The Volkskrant in which I explained the proces of building a Dr. Who inspired set-piece in which you can let The Doctor tell you random facts from history. Below are three videos of the piece in action. 

      This set-piece was build together with good friend Kiki Woodham. Kiki made all the stuff you can see, I connected / debugged / soldered all the electronics. Together we entered this piece in the "enchanted objects" competition over at instructables.com. If you want to built this piece yourself, or want to read how we built it, please go to: http://www.instructables.com/id/a-brief-history-of-time/ 

      If you want to read the Volkskrant article, find it here at the Volkskrant: here or on Blende: here (in Dutch)

      If you want to see more work by Kiki, have a look at her website: kiki-b.net